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THE SECRET HISTORY OF TARDIGRADES IN EARLY SOVIET CINEMA took the Audience Favorite Award at the Asheville Fringe Festival. 
Cult hit documentary MODWORLD.
Pioneering iPhoneography music video FOOLS PARADE.

Award-winning short horror JIMBO.

And a few old mini-DV indie films you never heard of.
      (just a small sampling of low/no-budget indie work I've done)

Because man cannot live by bread & butter alone, I seek out other work. 
And when I cannot find other work, I generate other work.
Writing, producing, directing original material.

The Secret History
of Tardigrades
in Early Soviet Cinema

Audience's Favorite Film 
Asheville Fringe Festival, 2023





This is my documentary, shot in 2001, completed in 2014. Why?

Because 9-11, that's why.


Do you know how hard it was to work 9-11 into a film that wasn't about 9-11?


I had to wait, and wait. I think it was worth it. NSFW trailer. Viewer discretion advised. Make the kids leave the room. Seriously.



Trumpeter Swan

"Fools Parade"

Shot with an iPhone, edited on an Avid Newscutter, then broken into 5,016 stills. Each still was then passed, one by one, through the iPhone app, Phototropedelic, to treat it to a completely trippy psychedelic overhaul, then all the stills were exported and reassembled as moving video and superimposed over the original. 




This is the trailer for a short horror I wrote and directed, and acted in. The film garnered me a best actor nomination, and has won four other awards.



All those old dv films

This one seems to be pretty popular on the interwebs. It's called Eleventh Hour Auditions. It's guided improv.


An unknown director (yours truly) asks nine actresses to get naked for a no-budget film, and they each have something to say about this rather unsavory proposition.



Here's another

Haiku For The Working Man.

It's poetry, and pretty pictures.


A man contemplates the state of his marriage... seventeen syllables at a time.



Here's another


The Mostly Unbelievable,

Nearly Inconceivable,

Facial Liberation of Mask Guy


Broadway dancers moving

to the swingin' '60s sounds of 

Bobby Rosengarden & Phil Kraus.


Choreography by Chase Brock.

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